WOD 05.10.18

WOD 05.10.18

Strength For Time: 50 Strict HSPU (8 min AMRAP if unable to complete – scale should be challenging, but beneficial....

WOD 05.09.18

WOD 05.09.18

Gymnastic Skill/Strength 2 Rounds FOR QUALITY 10 sec hollow holds 10 tuck ups 10 v ups 10 straddle ups Between...

WOD 05.08.18

WOD 05.08.18

Metcon Murph Prep #3 For Time: 800 m run 25 pull-ups 30 push-ups 35 Air Squats 600 m run 25...

WOD 05.07.18

WOD 05.07.18

Strength 10 min EMOM 2 Back Squats (Heavy) Metcon “Spicy Meatballs” For Time: 9-7-5 Power Snatch 135/95# Bar facing burpee...

WOD 05.06.18

WOD 05.06.18

Warmup 15-12-9 Mountain climbers Slam balls(light) Pushups Metcon Shuttle sprints 10 sets 5-10-15 meters Accessory Work Bent over DB flys...