

Alternating EMOM 24 Minutes 15 Sandbag Ground to Overhead 50/35 15 Wallballs 20/14 10 Burpees to 6 in target Accessory...

Tuesday 1.15.19

AMRAP 6 minutes 12 ring dips 15 Kettlebell Swings 55/35 Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 6 minutes 12 Ring Pushups 15...

1.14.19 Mondays are the best days to squat!

1.14.19 Mondays are the best days to squat!

We are finishing out our overhead squat cycle! You guys should be hitting a PR with this, get to something...

Sunday 1/13/19

Come work out with us on Sunday... it may be your best day yet!

Saturday 1.12.19

Come do some GHD, running and power snatches!