WOD 03.16.18

WOD 03.16.18

Crossfit OPEN 18.4 ‘Diane’ 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155# Handstand Pushup – Then – 21-15-9 Deadlift 315/205# Handstand Walk 50ft (down &...

Swing your partner Thursday! 3.15.18

Swing your partner Thursday! 3.15.18

Partner Chipper for Time 800 meter relay medball run (split in 200m each, one runs with medball, one holds medball...

WOD 03.14.18

WOD 03.14.18

Metcon 2 RFT: 800m run 20 Bent over Row 115/80# :30 sec L-sit hold (rings or parallettes) Accessory: Back Squat...

WOD 03.13.18

WOD 03.13.18

Metcon 2 RFT: 45 wall balls 20/14# 18 burpee pull-ups – Rest 6 min – 2 RFT: 80 Double Unders...

WOD 03.12.18

WOD 03.12.18

Strength 5-4-3-2-1 push/split Jerks (Heavy) *Rest adequately between sets. Spend 20-25 mins on strength to get to appropriate 1-rep weight....