Friday 09.18.20

Friday 09.18.20

Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:00 & 5:00pm Skills Practice Double unders/Handstand Pushups Pick your poison Pick 1 of the 2...

Thursday 09.17.20

Thursday 09.17.20

Class Times: 11:30am 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00pm Strength 15 mins to work up to a heavy complex of: 2 Power...

Wednesday 09.16.20

Wednesday 09.16.20

Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00pm Partner WOD 30 min AMRAP: 100 Deadlifts 185/125# 80 Pullups 60 Goblet...

Tuesday 09.15.20

Tuesday 09.15.20

Class Times: 11:30am 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00pm Strength Clean & Jerk 15 mins to work up to heavy single Metcon...

Monday 09.14.20

Monday 09.14.20

Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00pm Metcon 5 Rounds: 2:30 Min AMRAP of: 6 Burpees 6 Handstand Pushups...