WOD 10.26.17
Warm-up Tabata Wallballs Russian twists Jump rope Hollow rocks Strength Clean and Jerks 3-3-2-2-1 (work up to 1RM) *Do appropriate...
Warm-up Tabata Wallballs Russian twists Jump rope Hollow rocks Strength Clean and Jerks 3-3-2-2-1 (work up to 1RM) *Do appropriate...
Warm-up 400 meter row then Bear complex with empty barbell(2 cycles) *1 cycle is 6 movements x 7 times, holding...
Warm up: 200 meter run then Tabata Pushups Lunges Side plank holds V-ups Skill work: Butterfly and kipping Pull-ups Partner...
QOTD: Name your favorite restaurant for a cheat meal! Warmup High knees, butt-kickers, soldier kicks, sumo squats, lunge out twists,...
Coach led accessory and strength work then: 15-10-5-5-10-15 Power Cleans 95/65 Push Press 95/65 Lateral Burpees *10 Floor sweepers between...