WOD 10.07.19

WOD 10.07.19

Crossfit OPEN starts in 4 days! Strength 10 min EMOM: 1 Squat clean + 1 Split jerk @ 65-70% Metcon...

WOD 10.06.19

WOD 10.06.19

Skill Time Handstand Walk Practice Double unders Metcon 15 min AMRAP: 5 Deadlift 225/155# 10 Pushups 15 Wallballs 20 Dubs

WOD 10.05.19

WOD 10.05.19

Partner Saturday Teams of 3 “Mighty Ducks” For Time: 60 Clean & Jerks 135/95 400 M Team Run 10 Rope...

WOD 10.04.19

WOD 10.04.19

The Crossfit OPEN is officially one week away! If you haven’t signed up, go to Crossfit.com and sign up if...

WOD 10.03.19

WOD 10.03.19

Metcon *At 70% Pace on Rower, try to be quick on the box For Time: 1000 M Row 10 Box...