WOD 06.11.19

WOD 06.11.19

Warmup Four corners Tabata(4 mins): Burpees Air Squats Alt DB snatch(medium weight) Stationary lunges Strength 15 minutes to establish max...

WOD 06.10.19

WOD 06.10.19

Strength 35 mins to find: 1 rep max Back Squat 1 rep max Front Squat Row Sprint 500m sprint(100%) Cool...

WOD 06.09.19

WOD 06.09.19

*** 2:00 class only *** Metcon 4 RFT: 400m run 20 KB Swings 53/35# 18 Box Jumps 24/20in 16 Pullups

WOD 06.08.19

WOD 06.08.19

Metcon For Time: 2 Rounds of DT (Deadlift, Hang Power Clean, Push Jerk 155/105#) 75 Double Unders 21 Strict HSPU...

WOD 06.07.19

WOD 06.07.19

Strength Back Squat 3-3-2-2-1 Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 Metcon 27-21-15 Row Calories Burpees Over Rower Weighted Abmat Situps 50/35 (DB Held...