WOD 07.12.18
Partner WOD 30 min AMRAP: Teams of 2 100 Double Unders(50 each) 60 DB snatches 50/35# 100 Double Unders(50 each)...
Partner WOD 30 min AMRAP: Teams of 2 100 Double Unders(50 each) 60 DB snatches 50/35# 100 Double Unders(50 each)...
Metcon 5 RFT: 500m Row 50 Air squats 20 Ring pushups Accessory 50 Abmat situps 25 Back extensions 50 Abmat...
Metcon 21-15-9 Push press 115/85# Toes to Bar *Run 600m after each set Accessory 4 Rds NOT for time: 10...
Strength Deadlift – 25 mins to establish 1 rep *DO NOT RUSH through sets, take plenty of time to properly...
Strength Front Squat 3 x 7 Metcon 15 min alternating EMOM: 10 OH Squats 95/65# 15 KB Swings 53/35# 40...