WOD 07.22.18
Metcon For Time: 21 Toes to bar 200m Run 18 Toes to bar 400m run 15 Toes to bar 600m...
Metcon For Time: 21 Toes to bar 200m Run 18 Toes to bar 400m run 15 Toes to bar 600m...
Metcon For Time: 9 Bench press 185/125 42 Sumo deadlift high pull 75/55 15 bench press 165/115 30 sumo deadlift...
Hero WOD – “Saman” 8 RFT: 13 Deadlifts 185/125# 17 Wallballs 20/14# 400m run
Metcon 0-10 min: ‘Jackie’ Row 1000 m 50 thrusters 45/35 30 pull-ups 10-20 min Row 750 m 35 thrusters 95/65...
Metcon 24 min Alternating EMOM: 35 Double Unders 10 Knee 2 elbow rope pulls (scale = knee 2 elbow) 35...