WOD 10.04.19

WOD 10.04.19

The Crossfit OPEN is officially one week away! If you haven’t signed up, go to Crossfit.com and sign up if...

WOD 10.03.19

WOD 10.03.19

Metcon *At 70% Pace on Rower, try to be quick on the box For Time: 1000 M Row 10 Box...

WOD 10.02.19

WOD 10.02.19

Strength Strict Press 5 x 8 @ 60% 1 rep max Metcon 5 RFT: 400m run 10 push press 115/75#...

WOD 10.01.19

WOD 10.01.19

Metcon Charlie Horse Part 1 10 wallballs (20/14) + 15/12 Cal Assault Bike 20 Wallballs (20/14) + 15/12 Cal Assault...

WOD 09.30.19

WOD 09.30.19

Metcon 5 Rounds In 2 minutes: 7 Strict Pullups 13 Toes to Bar Max reps cleans(power or squat, athletes choice)...