Monday 01.10.22

Monday 01.10.22

Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm Strength Front Squat 5-4-3-3-3-3-3, work up to a heavy set of 3...

Sunday 01.09.22

Sunday 01.09.22

Class Time – 2:00pm Metcon For Time: ‘2022’ 20-22 (2 Rds) Calorie Row Ring Dips GHD’s Wallballs 20/14in Burpee to...

Saturday 01.08.22

Saturday 01.08.22

Class Time: 9:30am Partner WOD -Teams of 2- AMRAP 35: 60 Assault Bike Cals 75 Hang Power Clean 75 Back...

Friday 01.07.22

Friday 01.07.22

Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:30 & 5:30pm Strength Bench Press warm up to about 80%, then: 10 x 3 at...

Thursday 01.06.22

Thursday 01.06.22

Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm Strength Clean and Jerk Work up to about 80% 1RM, then perform:...