Sunday 6.26.22
Class Time – 2:00pm Skill Time Take 20 minutes and work on: Hand Stand Pushups! Get comfortable being upside down....
Class Time – 2:00pm Skill Time Take 20 minutes and work on: Hand Stand Pushups! Get comfortable being upside down....
Class Time – 9:30am Partner WOD Teams of 2: AMRAP 35 30 Back Squats 30 Toes to Bar 30 Wallballs...
Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:30 & 5:30pm Strength Push Press 7 x 3 @ 80% 1RM, use plenty of time...
Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm Metcon ‘Elizabeth’ 21-15-9 Squat Cleans 135/95 Ring Dips *Tips for the Elizabeth...
Class Times: 5:30am 11:30am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm Partner WOD Teams of 2: 6 Rounds For Time: 20 Hand Stand...