WOD 07.07.18
Partner WOD Teams of 3 – 40 min time cap: 3 Rounds 30 Toes to Bar 30 Burpees 30 Power...
Partner WOD Teams of 3 – 40 min time cap: 3 Rounds 30 Toes to Bar 30 Burpees 30 Power...
Strength Metcon For Time: 50 Power Cleans 185/135# Metcon For Time: 27-21-15-9 Calorie Row Bench Press 135/95# Chest to Bar...
Skill Test 100 Double unders for time Metcon 12 Minute AMRAP: 6 Strict Handstand pushups 9 Goblet squats 53/35# 12...
*** 2 Classes today – 9 & 10AM *** Hero WOD – ‘Chris Kyle’ 3 RFT: 40 KB Swings 55/35#...
Strength/Technique With a 20 minute running clock: 10 mins to establish Snatch balance heavy single then 10 mins to establish...