Fri-Yay the 12th

Fri-Yay the 12th

Strength Snatch-work Squat snatches 2×1 65% 1×1 70% 1×1 75% 3×1 80% EMOMx 4 8 Goblet squats 55/35 8 burpees...

Elizabeth Phisone

Our next featured athlete is our wonderful Elizabeth Phisione! She earned a top spot in our hearts with her cheerful spirit, endless drive, and kind-hearted nature! Her transformation is nothing short of astonishing!

WOD 01.11.18

WOD 01.11.18

Strength – Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5, starting about 50% and progressing to 80-85% 1-rep max Metcon – 13 Min AMRAP 6...

WOD 01.10.18

WOD 01.10.18

***** The gray bathroom is in working order, just ignore the mess and be careful of the plastic on the...

WOD 1.9.2018

WOD 1.9.2018

Warm-up 800m row Stretching/mobility Strength Snatch cycle week 2 SDL+HHS+HS 2×1 65% 1×1 70% 1×1 75% 3×1 80% Focus straight...