Alternating EMOM 24 Minutes 15 Sandbag Ground to Overhead 50/35 15 Wallballs 20/14 10 Burpees to 6 in target Accessory...
Alternating EMOM 24 Minutes 15 Sandbag Ground to Overhead 50/35 15 Wallballs 20/14 10 Burpees to 6 in target Accessory...
AMRAP 6 minutes 12 ring dips 15 Kettlebell Swings 55/35 Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 6 minutes 12 Ring Pushups 15...
We are finishing out our overhead squat cycle! You guys should be hitting a PR with this, get to something...
Come work out with us on Sunday... it may be your best day yet!
Come do some GHD, running and power snatches!