WOD 12.3.17
Metcon Buy-in – 1000m Row 10-20-30 Power Snatch 95/65# Walking lunges 95/65# Slam Ball over the shoulder 40/25# Cash out...
Metcon Buy-in – 1000m Row 10-20-30 Power Snatch 95/65# Walking lunges 95/65# Slam Ball over the shoulder 40/25# Cash out...
Hero WOD – ‘Whitten’ 5 RFT: 22 KB Swings 70/55# 22 Box Jumps 400m Run 22 Burpees 22 Wallballs 20/14#
Skill work Pirouette Handstands Strict HSPU’s Handstand Walks WORKOUT 16 Min AMRAP 4 Shuttle burpees (burpee, run 25 ft, burpee,...
Warm-up Skills and drills (karoake, bear crawls, soldier kicks, toe reaches, leg swings, side lunges, inchworms, burpee broad jumps, duck...
Warm-up Max reps for each movement for 1 minute each: 0-1 row 1-2 kbs 2-3 row 3-4 shuttle runs 4-5...