WOD 07.29.18
Skill practice 10-15 minutes handstand practice / handstand walk practice Metcon 100 KB Swings 70/55# Every 90 seconds starting at...
Skill practice 10-15 minutes handstand practice / handstand walk practice Metcon 100 KB Swings 70/55# Every 90 seconds starting at...
Partner WOD Teams of 2 or 3: 50 Tire flips 200 push-ups 800 m run (both partners run together) 50...
Metcon 4 min AMRAP: 27/21 Calorie Row 21 power cleans 135/95# 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20in – Rest 4...
Our Yoga for the RAD Project classes are a big hit! So come on out to Yoga on Sunday at...
Metcon 5 RFT: 50m sled pull (M = 3 plates/F = 2 plates) 15 Overhead squats 135/95# Strength/Skill Pistols practice...