WOD 08.25.19
Skills Practice Handstand Walk – kick up on walls, try to walk away, wall walks, coaches choice – 10-15 minutes...
Skills Practice Handstand Walk – kick up on walls, try to walk away, wall walks, coaches choice – 10-15 minutes...
Partner WOD Buy-in: 75 Cal Row 20 Rds: 5 Handstand pushups 6 Lateral burpees 7 Deadlifts 155/105# *Alternating movements Cash...
Metcon For Time: 27 GHD situps 21 single arm Alternating DB split jerk 50/35 15 Back squats 225/155 24 GHD...
Skill Work Snatch work(empty barbell): 2×3 High hang 2×3 Top of the knee 2×3 Full power snatch *Focus on form/technique....
Strength 12 min EMOM: 2 Overhead Squats (increasing weight each set, if possible) Metcon 8 Min AMRAP: 8 Sumo Deadlift...