WOD 08.28.18
Metcon For Time: 100/70 Calorie Row 80 Wall Balls 20/14# 60 T2b 40 Single arm DB Push Press* 20 Alt...
Metcon For Time: 100/70 Calorie Row 80 Wall Balls 20/14# 60 T2b 40 Single arm DB Push Press* 20 Alt...
Strength 10 Min EMOM: Squat Snatch 2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 (Build to heavy single for the day) – Rest 4 Minutes – 10...
**** YOGA at 3:00PM **** Metcon For Time: 1 round 800m run 80 Double Unders 20 Sandbag over the shoulder...
Partner WOD Teams of 3: Row 3000 m (switch every 500m) 200 Power Snatches 95/65# 150 Sandbag Power Cleans 50/35#...
Metcon 3 RFT: 30 DB Single Arm OHS 25 Walking Lunges 20 DB Snatches 15 Box jumps 24/20in *Rx+: 70/50#,...