WOD 08.15.19
Stength 10 min EMOM: 5 OHS (Climbing in weight. Get heavy) Metcon 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 (22 minutes with rest – Give it...
Stength 10 min EMOM: 5 OHS (Climbing in weight. Get heavy) Metcon 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 (22 minutes with rest – Give it...
Strength Metcon 4 RFQ (Rounds for quality): 15 Barbell Strict Press 12 DB Arnold Press Left Arm 12 DB Arnold...
Metcon “Quadzilla” 2 RFT: 50 Double DB Power Cleans 50/35# 50 Double DB Box Step Ups 50/35# Strength/Accessory Barbell curls...
Metcon “Heartburn” 1 Mile Run, directly into 10 Rounds of the “Bergeron Beep Test” *1 Rd of BBT = 7...
Metcon 20 min AMRAP: 200m run 200m row 40 double unders 12 Db Snatch 50/35#