WOD 08.20.19
What are YOUR goals for the Crossfit Open this year? Are you hoping to complete all movements RX? Are you...
What are YOUR goals for the Crossfit Open this year? Are you hoping to complete all movements RX? Are you...
What are YOUR goals for the Crossfit Open this year? Are you hoping to complete all movements RX? Are you...
Metcon FOR TIME: Buy-in: 800m Run – Then – 4 Rds 50ft OH Walking Lunge 50/35# 20 Box Jump Overs...
“GARRY PURDHAM” WOD AMRAP (with a Partner) in 31 minutes: 31 Burpees 31 Double-Unders 31 Deadlifts 95/65# 31 Push-Ups 31...
Metcon 10 RFT: 10 Cal Assault Bike 5 Handstand pushup(HSPU) 4 Deadlifts 225/155# 1 Power Clean 225/155#