WOD 09.19.19
Open prep – 19.2 8 Minute Clock, AMRAP 25 T2B 50 DU 15 Squat Cleans 135/85# 25 T2B 50 DU...
Open prep – 19.2 8 Minute Clock, AMRAP 25 T2B 50 DU 15 Squat Cleans 135/85# 25 T2B 50 DU...
Gymnastic Strength For time 50 strict chest to bar pull-ups Or – 8 min amrap, if unable to complete before...
Metcon “Fuller Circle” For Time: 50/35 Calorie Assault Bike 125 Double Unders 2000m Row 125 Double Unders 50/35 Calorie Assault...
Strength Overhead Squats (15 mins) 3-3-3-3-3(AHAP) Skill Time 8 mins – Double unders Metcon 9 min AMRAP: 3 Power Snatch...
Skill Time The Open is coming soon, pick a movement and work on it for 10-15 mins. Metcon 15-12-9-12-15 Toes...