WOD 09.29.19
Skill Practice Handstand Walk Practice – kick up on walls, try to walk away, wall walks, coaches choice Metcon 9-11-13-15...
Skill Practice Handstand Walk Practice – kick up on walls, try to walk away, wall walks, coaches choice Metcon 9-11-13-15...
Partner Workout Buy-In – Partner 1 Mile Run – Then – 42-30-18 Deadlifts 225/155# Box Jump Overs 24/20in T2B Cash-Out...
Metcon “Thumb War” 5 Rounds: (Fight Gone Bad style) 1 Minute Max Wallballs 20/14 1 Minute Max Hang Power Snatch...
ONLY 2 weeks until the OPEN starts! Open prep 19.3 200 Ft. DB OH Walking Lunge 50 DB Box steps...
Gymnastics Strength For time: 50 strict chest to bar pull-ups Or – 8 min amrap, if unable to complete before...