WOD 11.23.19
In Honor of someone turning 50… Happy Birthday Steve! ‘Filthy 50’ For time: 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in 50 Jumping...
In Honor of someone turning 50… Happy Birthday Steve! ‘Filthy 50’ For time: 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in 50 Jumping...
Skill Time Clean and jerk technique – stay light/medium Metcon For Time: 1000/800m Row 25/20 Cal Assault Bike 1000m Run...
Strength Bench Press 15-15-15 DB Skull Crushers 15-15-15 (stay light) Banded Tricep PushDowns 20-20-20 Metcon 8 min AMRAP: 5 V-Ups...
Metcon For time: 40 kB swings 50/35# 40 box jumps 24/20in 40 walking lunges 30 kB swings 50/35# 30 box...
Metcon “Bruiser” 3 RFT: 60 Double-Unders 30 Air Squats 10 Squat Snatch 155/105# *Scale appropriately, but keep the weight challenging.