WOD 04.02.18
Gymnastics/Strength For Time: 50 strict chest to bar pull-ups (8 min AMRAP if athlete can’t finish – feet elevated ring...
Gymnastics/Strength For Time: 50 strict chest to bar pull-ups (8 min AMRAP if athlete can’t finish – feet elevated ring...
**** We will only have one class tomorrow at 2:00PM. Everyone have a great Easter and enjoy time with your...
Metcon 20 Back Squats 135/95# – then – 5 Rds of: 10 T2B 10 Box Jumps 30/24in 10 Front Rack...
Warmup/Skills/Mobility Ring muscle-up progression work Metcon Passion WOD 100 Double unders 800m 45/35# Plate carry 100 Burpees
Metcon For Time: 500m Row 25 Power Cleans 155/105# 25 Burpees Strength Bench Press 12-12-12 Shoulder press 6-6-6