WOD 10.02.18
Metcon 12 min AMRAP: 25 KB swings 55/35# 20 Wall balls 20/14# 15 V-ups Accessory Work 100 Abmat Sit-ups 75...
Metcon 12 min AMRAP: 25 KB swings 55/35# 20 Wall balls 20/14# 15 V-ups Accessory Work 100 Abmat Sit-ups 75...
Max Day 35-40 Mins to complete: 1 Rep Max Squat Snatch 1 Rep Max Squat Clean & Jerk *Use time...
*** YOGA @ 3:00PM *** Core Strength For Time: (Accumulate time in each position before moving to other) L Hang...
HERO WOD Tumilson 8 RFT: 200m Run 11 DB Burpee Deadlifts 50s/35s
Metcon For Time: 42 Wallballs 20/14# 21 C2B pullups 18 Power Cleans 115/85# 30 Wallballs 15 C2B pullups 15 Power...