WOD 06.21.19
Strength 20 min EMOM: 1 squat snatch(climbing each min) *Focus on technique Metcon “The Good Life” 3 RFT 500m Row...
Strength 20 min EMOM: 1 squat snatch(climbing each min) *Focus on technique Metcon “The Good Life” 3 RFT 500m Row...
Clean Primer 5 sets: 1 Hang Clean High Pull 1 Low Hang Power Clean Metcon “Power Ranger” 15 Power Cleans...
Metcon For Time: 10 Bar Muscleups(scale-20 pullups, 20 ring dips) 50 GHD Situps 100 Double Unders(3:1) 10 Bar Muscleups 100...
Strength Deficit Deadlift(3 inch) 2-2-2-2-2-2 10 Minutes to attempt max strict HSPU (Attempt 2 times; maybe 3 if total is...
Strength 20-25 mins to find 1 reps of both: Bench Press Push Jerk Metcon