WOD 01.02.20
Strength Clean Jerk – Work up to heavy single(20 mins) *If your jerk is limiting factor, work on the two...
Strength Clean Jerk – Work up to heavy single(20 mins) *If your jerk is limiting factor, work on the two...
NO Classes TODAY!
Classes: 5:30am, 11:30am, 4:00 & 5:00PM 12 Movements; 31 Reps of each…let’s finish this year strong! 31 – Push Press...
Tuesday – NEW YEAR’s EVE hours: 5:30am, 11:30am, 4:00 & 5:00PM Strength Deadlift – 5×5 @ 80% Metcon 15 min...
Metcon For Time: 30-20-10 Row calories Alternating dumbbell Box Step-ups 50/35# Directly into…. 10-20-30 Alternating dumbbell Snatches 50/35# Single Arm...