WOD 02.21.20
NO 11:30 class tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience Strength Thrusters(from rack or floor) 5-4-3-3-2-2-1 Metcon 7 min AMRAP: 7 KB...
NO 11:30 class tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience Strength Thrusters(from rack or floor) 5-4-3-3-2-2-1 Metcon 7 min AMRAP: 7 KB...
Metcon 16 min AMRAP: 30 Sandbag Power Cleans 50/25# 25/18 Calorie Bike 20 Lateral Burpees 15 Deadlift 225/155# – Rest...
Strength Push Press 5×5 @ 70% Metcon 15 min alternating EMOM: 10 Pullups 15 GHD’s(situps – scaled) 20 Sandbag Walking...
Ten Round Tuesday, Take 3 10 RFT: 9 WallBalls 20/14# 7 DB Clean and Jerks 50/35# 5 Burpee Box Over...
Metcon OPEN 14.1 10 min AMRAP: 30 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches 75/55# Post-WOD Strength Front Squat – 7 x...