Wednesday 11.22.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30 & 5:30pm

** Partner WOD will be Thursday morning! **

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

3 Rounds
100m Run
20 Lateral Barbell Hops
10 Squats (Air Squat, Front Squat, OHS)

Get Fit (Min 20-34)

For Time:
400m Run
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
30 Overhead Squats 115/80
30 Box Jump Overs
400m Run
*14 Min Cap

This can be done Sub 10 by those who really want to push the pace hard (and/or modify as needed), or it can be completed smooth/steady – using it more as a primer for the Snatch session to follow.


For Time:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 20″
30 Overhead Squats 45/35 (or Goblet Squats)
30 Box Jumps
400m Run

Get Powerful (Min 42-55)

Squat Snatch
Every :30 for 2:00
1 Rep
Every :60 for 5:00
1 Rep
Every :90 for 6:00
1 Rep

Stay light and perfect on the :30, start your build on the :60, and hit 4 challenging singles on the :90. If technique is breaking down, continue on at a weight you can stay proficient at.

Competitor Extra

For Time:
75 T&G Power Snatch 95/65
Every Break = 50 Double Unders
*12 Min Cap

You could just break this into 15s and hit four sets of Double Unders, but isn’t it more fun to hold on and see what happens?! This is the sort of piece you can take chances and test yourself on 🙂