Monday 09.25.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

4 Rounds:
:30 on :30 off
Row (increase effort each window)

Get Fit (Min 16-36)

5 Rounds:
2:30 on / 1:30 off
250/200m Row
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Workouts like this naturally get competitive in a class setting. This makes every BBJO rep that much more valuable. It’s useful to practice both box facing and lateral reps. Leave a little in the tank on the Row each round so that you feel good for the :90 of Burpees 🙂


5 Rounds:
2:30 on / 1:30 off
250/200m Row
Max Burpee Box Step Overs 20″

Get Strong (Min 44-56)

Bench Press
In 12:00 Establish a Heavy Triple

Open with a couple sets of 10, add both weight and speed on that second set to make sure you’re primed and ready for big weight. Then build with triples the rest of the way. You should hit at least 3-5 working sets of 3.

Competitor Extra

For Time:
10 DB Snatch 100/70
3 Legless Rope Climbs
10/2, 10/1
– 3:00 Rest –
15 DB Snatch 70/50
5 Rope Climbs
15/3, 15/1
*18 Min Total Cap

It might be annoying the have to gather both DBs for this piece, but the work with the 70/50 after the heavier DB will be worth while, as it will feel lighter than you’re used to and allow you to cycle it easier. Rope Climbs are always about efficiency, instead of rushing – try to be perfect and smooth!