Thursday 08.10.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

2 Rounds
200m Run
10 Pike Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Get Fit (Min 20-41)

From 0:00-6:00
400m Run
15 Seated Strict Press 125/85
Max Calories on Machine of Choice
– 1:00 Rest –
From 7:00-12:00
300m Run
12 Seated Strict Press 125/85
Max Calories on Machine
– 1:00 Rest –
From 13:00-17:00
200m Run
9 Seated Strict Press 125/85
Max Calories on Machine
– 1:00 Rest –
From 18:00-21:00
100m Run
6 Seated Strict Press 125/85
Max Calories on Machine

Seated Press can be w/ Barbell or DBs (think Z-Press) – and can be out or a rack or off the floor. Machines can be anything available, even if you have to transition a distance to get to the machine there is plenty of time. Also, Burpees can be in place of Machine calories.

Wellness WOD

4 Rounds
200m Run
10 Seated DB Press
15/12 Calories on Machine of Choice
– 1:00 Rest –

Quality Time (Min 49-56)

In a 7:00 window, accumulate as much time as possible in a Ring Support
Advanced = 3 Max Effort Attempts
Intermediate = 4 Max Effort Attempts
Novice = 5 Max Effort Attempts

Hold those rings tight to the body! If you need spotter support to get some time above the rings, take it!

Competitor Extra

Muscle Snatch
Touch and Go
*Build across sets

This is an excellent drill/exercise to make sure you’re using as much leg drive as possible. Keep the bar close and turn over quick in the receiving position!