Monday 08.07.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

3 Rounds of
*1 Rd of Cindy = 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats
– then –
2 Rounds
8 Empty Bar Squat Clean Thrusters
2 Wall Walks w/ :02 pause at top

Get Fit (Min 22-30)

6 Hang Squat Clean 185/125
6 Shoulder to Overhead 185/125
9 Deficit Push Ups (hands on plates or DBs)

Choose a weight that allows you to hit the first 6 reps completely UB. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to stay UB throughout the entire piece, but you should have the ability to move those weights so that you can get the most out of just 8 minutes of work.

Wellness WOD

6 DB Front Squats 35/20s
6 DB Shoulder to OH 35/20s
9 Push Ups

Get Strong (Min 42-52)

For Time
Floor Press 155/105
Bar Muscle Ups
10 Min Cap

You can break up both the Floor Press and BMU as needed. You CAN do Bench Press with the class, however it might be very tough considering you need the rig free for BMU (or variation) sets. This is more about strength endurance and skill work. No need to rush from movement to movement. You can also partner easily with this piece.

Competitor Extra

1:00 on 1:00 off
until failure
12/7 Echo/AAB Calories*
*Increase calories by 1 each round until you cannot complete in under 1:00
30 Min Cap (15 Rounds)

If you finish your Calories in under the allotted minute, you get the remainder as rest, PLUS the minute of rest to follow.