Monday 06.19.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

Steady through:
10 Muscle Snatch
10 OHS
– then –
2 Rounds:
4 Snatch Balance
4 Power Position Snatch
4 Hang Snatch from knee
4 Full Snatch

Get Fit (Min 20-36)

For Time:
9 Squat Snatch 135/95
100′ HS Walk or 9 Wall Walks
7 Squat Snatch
75′ HS Walk or 7 Wall Walks
5 Squat Snatch
50′ HS Walk or 5 Wall Walks
3 Squat Snatch
25′ HS Walk or 3 Wall Walks
*16 Min Cap

This is a very technical workout which requires pacing and focus. If you struggle with both the Snatch and HS work, pick one movement to focus on and scale the other way back to a simpler variation. Maybe you will be capped on this, it’s okay as long as you’re getting quality reps in along the way.

Get Powerful (Min 43-55)

Hang Squat Snatch
Every 2:00 for 12:00
3 Reps

All three reps should be in a row – like a Snatch complex. As you get further into your set, your pull will diminish and you’ll need to pull under, faster!

Competitor Extra

Climb the Ladder
1 50′ Shuttle
1 Rope Climb
2/2, 3/3, 4/4, etc..

Focus on using your legs to do most of the climbing. Once you pull your knee to your chest and sink your feet, stand tall on the rope before moving your hands high to re-grip. Avoid using your arms to pull yourself into a standing position.