Tuesday 06.06.23

Class Times:
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

2 Rounds:
15 KB Goblet Squats
15 Russian KBS
10 Single Leg KB Deadlifts Each Leg

Get Fit (Min 20-50)

On a 30:00 Minute Clock
5 Rounds
200m Run
1 Round of DT 155/105
– 1:00 Rest –

In Remaining Time, find a Heavy Triple Deadlift

– DT= 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Shoulder to OH. Given that you have a little rest after the DT round, you should be taking a chance and holding on where you might normally break strategically. Choose a barbell weight that allows you to crush this piece, standing around outside of your rest window is not the stimulus today….
– If you hit the workout hard, temper expectations on the 3RM Deadlift. Yes you’ll be warm but also super fatigued from an extended demanding output. Focus on a quality, controlled triple rather than trying to hit a new PR or something like that.

(Wellness WOD)

On a 30:00 Minute Clock
5 Rounds
200m Run
1 Round of Dumbbell DT (any weights)
– 1:00 Rest –

In Remaining Time complete perfect sets of 3 on Deadlift (1 set every 1-2 minutes)

Competitor Extra

For Time
Unbroken Wall Balls
5 Wall Walks After Each Set
*20 Min Cap

-Unbroken is defined as: no pausing, no dropping the ball, no holding the ball against your face – you must be constantly wall ball- ing. (We WILL allow an “airball” – if you catch it, as a no-rep, but you can continue your set). You need to be very strategic as to when you pick that ball back up for the next set, going too early and blowing up/failing will force you to start that set over. If you fail a set, plan on giving yourself a 2 min break minimum if you want any chance at recovering from that. This workout is not for the faint of heart, and is some high level competitor stuff as written – choose your WB weight accordingly or consider skipping the set of 60.