Wednesday 08.19.20

Class Times:
4:00, 5:00 & 6:00pm


3 Position Clean (hang, below knee, floor)
5 sets of:
1 Hang squat clean (mid thigh) + 1 below the knee squat clean + 1 full squat clean
*Complex is completed unbroken(3 reps before dropping the bar)
**Work to a heavy in the 5 sets


3 Rounds:
25 Overhead Squats 75/55#
25 GHD Situps (OR 40 Alternating V-ups)
75 Double Unders
– Rest 3 mins –
100 Double unders
30 GHD’s (OR 50 Alternating V-ups)
20 Overhead Squats 135/95#