
Wooohooo you made it to Friday! Remember next Friday is our Christmas party! Be thinking about bringing a dish, but you are only required to bring yourself and a smile!


2 min amrap DB Front squat 50s/35s

Rest 3 min

2 min amrap DB Front squat 50s/35s

Rest 3 min

2 min amrap DB Front squat 50s/35s

Handstand Walk Course

Rx’d Work

4 Rounds for Quality

5 to 50 ft. Of handstand walk

10 strict toe to bar

10 plate walks – wall or freestanding

Scaled Work

4 rounds for quality

10 shoulder touches (off box or wall)

10 v ups

10 Plate walk against wall


20 RFT

5 burpee box jumps 24/20 (sprint each set and then rest)

Rest 30 seconds