WOD 02.14.18

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Work with a partner, your special CrossFit Valentine for the day, and complete both parts of this special Valentine’s Day workout!

Part 1: “The Break-up”

With a running clock both partners simultaneously complete:

1st minute:

1 Push Press (125/85#)
1 Burpee

2nd minute:
2 Push Presses
2 Burpees

And so on, adding 1 push press and 1 burpee each minute until ONE partner cannot complete the prescribed reps in the minute. You must complete the push presses before advancing to the burpees. The score for this workout is the total reps of the FIRST partner to drop out. For example, partner #1 fails after 7 full rounds and 8 push presses and 3 burpees. Then the team’s score is 7 rounds (56) + 8 + 3 = 67 reps.

– Rest exactly 10 minutes then move on to Part 2 –

Part 2: “The Make-up”

6 rounds for time:

5 squat cleans (125/85#)
10 pull-ups
200 m row
Partners alternate rounds: Partner #1 completes one full round, while partner #2 rests. Once partner #1 finishes they switch.

At any time during the rest period, the partner resting can make one attempt at a max L-sit. This partner records the L-sit time and switches with their partner once their partner completes their round of the exercises above. L-sit must be done by placing both hands on 45# bumper plates(or paralettes)and lifting both feet off the floor with straight legs.

The score for this workout is the total time taken to complete 6 rounds as a team minus the sum of all 6 max L-sits.