Jessica’s Going away WOD! 11.22.17

Join us for a Wacky Wednesday Partner WOD to give a great send off for our beloved Jessica Roy. Jessica blew us all away when she made her CrossFit debut just 6 months ago, and started doing a lot of the workouts RX right out of the gate. Her tenacious spirit and die before quit attitude is an awesome thing to behold! We know she has what it takes to go far in this sport, and in everything else she pursues! We had big plans for her, to become an Argonaut coach someday, but she is relocating to the Little Rock area. We wish her the best, and encourage whatever box that inherits her, to raise her up right and finish what we started! We will miss you Jessica!

30 minute AMRAP

2 rope climbs (1 work one rest)
10 partner wall balls (20/14) (toss to wall, partner catches, tosses back to wall, other partner catches)
10 tandem hang power clean and jerks. (135/95)
(One partner does as many hang clean and jerks, goes back to hang position, passes the bar to other partner. Other partner does hang clean and jerk. Bar cannot touch the ground. 5 burpee penalty if barbell touches the ground.
10 sandbag pass throughs to partner.
(Line up side by side in plank position. 1st partner pulls sandbag through to other partner, other partner pulls through to far side, then back through to other partner.)

After 30 minute time cap:

Cash out
1200 meter run with plate. Pass plate back and forth to share the burden! (35/25)
