WOD Wednesday 10.25.17
400 meter row then
Bear complex with empty barbell(2 cycles)
*1 cycle is 6 movements x 7 times, holding onto the barbell the entire 42 reps
Skill work
Handstand walks
4 rounds for time:
*add weight on deadlifts after each round
12 Deadlifts 225/155#
15 box jumps 24/20
24 KB Swings 55/35#
9 Deadlifts 275/175#
15 box jumps
24 KB Swings
6 Deadlifts 305/195#
15 box jumps
24 KB Swings
3 Deadlifts 325/205#
15 box jumps
24 KB Swings
Cash out 100 abmat sit-ups
Or 60 GHD’s