Keys to your success
Below are some keys to your Success in achieving optimum health and happiness. Because we are 100% invested in you!
Nutrition Tips and Resources:
“WHOLE30” diet plans free resources. Click here. In it you can find a complete guide to following this nutrition plan, all free. Coupled with attending workouts 3-5x per week, you can expect to shed a lot of inches, some pounds, body fat, and replace it with lean muscle mass.
Things to start doing now:
1. Cut out that one thing you think you need. One of our lunch time regulars lost 25+ pounds in the first 3 months of starting our programming (in May) by simply doing our workouts 3-4x weekly, and cutting out his cappuccino at work habit. Even though he’s been working out for years, the combination of our updated programming and cutting out a big chunk of daily sugar, catapulted him to this achievement fast. Great job!
2. Quit drinking soda. Just stop! You can still have your black coffee though!
3. Cut alcohol intake. Replace with… Netflix, meditation, massage, hot showers….because skipping the night cap actually helps you get more sleep, and higher quality REM sleep. Alcohol also changes the way your body processes fats and calories over time.
4. Add mini workouts to your daily life. Studies show that doing several short, low intensity activities a day can lead to increased metabolic rate and slow, long term weight loss, meaning it stays off. Walk the stairs, walk the halls, do 15 airs squats every time you go pee, etc.
3. Choose to be happy. Making a conscious choice to be in a good mood, staying optimistic and upbeat, raises your basal metabolic rate. (more calories burned….boom!) We can help you with this! We create a lot of happiness here.
4. Stay busy. We’re all tired. Work, kids, work…it makes you want to curl up on the coach all weekend sometimes! Learn a new skill, build something, explore your surroundings, etc. These activities fight depression, give a sense of accomplishment, and release endorphins that have many physical and mental benefits.
5. Believe in yourself, trust the Elite Fitness lifestyle, and give it your best. This means commitment, consistency, and GOING ALL IN. Be relentless in your pursuit of health, strength, and awesomeness.