Friday 12.08.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30 & 5:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

3 Rounds:
15 Calorie Row
12 Hollow Rocks
9 Wall Balls

Get Fit (Min 20-35)

For Time:
Calorie Row*
Wall Balls 20/14 10’/9′
*Ladies Row (8/16/24/32)

**15 Min Cap

This is just as much of a mental test as a physical test. Keep transitions fast and rest mid WB sets if needed. You can always keep the Rower moving at least somewhat. Those of you who can, should go UB on the WB and “recover” on the Row.


For Time:
Calories on any Machine
Wall Balls (any weight)

Get Strong (Min 43-56)

Front Squat
In 13:00 Complete
10 Reps @ 50% 1RM
– then –
Find a 5RM in remaining time

The 10 @ 50% is just to make sure you’re plenty primed and warm for the few attempts at the heavy set of 5. You should try to hit your 10 UB, but you can break them up with a rack if/when needed.

Competitor Extra

For Time:
5 Rope Climbs
15 Squat Clean 185/135
250 Double Unders
15 Squat Clean
5 Rope Climbs
*13 Min Cap

There’s no shame in pacing the first half of this workout. Stay smooth on the Climbs, Cleans can be singles if needed. The focus on DU should be staying relaxed as much as possible. If you feel your heart rate spiking, you should take a quick break. Hit the gas on the back half with whatever you have left in the tank.