Tuesday 09.12.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

Dynamic WU:
25′ Knee Pulls
25′ Quad Pulls
25′ Lunge Steps
25′ Lateral Squats
25′ High Knees (x2)
25′ Butt Kicks (x2)
25′ Duck Walk
25′ Inch Worms
25′ Spiderman Stretch

Get Fit (Min 20-35)

For Max Reps:
2:00 Box Jumps Step Down 30/24″
2:00 Alternating Pistols
2:00 Calorie Echo/AAB or Row
1:00 Box Jumps Step Down 30/24″
1:00 Alternating Pistols
1:00 Calorie Echo/AAB or Row
2:00 Box Jumps Step Down 30/24″
2:00 Alternating Pistols
2:00 Calorie Echo/AAB or Row

Step down from the box on each Box Jump rep. If pistols are not happening, choose an alternative S-Leg movement like an assisted pistol or reverse lunge if that’s simpler. If number of machines is an issue, you can stagger start the workout.


For Max Reps:
2:00 Box Jumps 20″
2:00 Air Squats
2:00 Calorie on Machine of Choice
1:00 Box Jumps
1:00 Air Squats
1:00 Calorie on Machine of Choice
2:00 Box Jumps
2:00 Air Squats
2:00 Calorie on Machine of Choice

Get Strong (Min 43-55)

Front Squats w/ Pause*
In 12:00 Complete

*:02 Pause in bottom of each rep

The 5s should only be moderate in weight, focusing on positions and tension in the bottom of a well-balanced Squat. You can really start the build on that first set of 3.

Competitor Extra

:30 on / :30 off until completion
Ring Muscle Ups
Hang Squat Cleans 205/145
*20 Min Cap

You’re going to want to pick goal sets in each of the :30 windows. Going “max effort” in that :30 window early on will have you slowing down quite a bit by around the halfway point. Try to come at this one a bit more strategically.