Thursday 07.20.23

Class Times:
3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm

Warm Up (Min 0-12)

100m Run
:20 Dead Hang from Pullup Bar
100m Run
20 Hollow Rocks
100m Run
20 Superman

Quality Time (Min 16-26)

Bar Muscle Up Progressions
(coach has progressions in Coaches Notes)

Get Fit (Min 32-55)

For Time:
2:00 on / 1:00 off until completion
80/60 Calorie Row (Bike or Ski)
20 Bar Muscle Ups (any variation)
60/50 Calorie Row
10 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Calorie Row
5 Bar Muscle Ups
*23 Min Cap (8 Rounds of 2/1)

Athletes can use any machine to complete their calories today. Bar Muscle Ups should be a challenging variation from the full rep modified all the way back to a Strict Pull Up or Row if needed. Jumping or Banded variations might be a good option today.

Wellness WOD

For Time:
2:00 on / 1:00 off until completion
60/50 Calories on Machine of Choice
15 Pull Ups (any variation)
50/40 Calories
10 Pull Ups
40/30 Calorie Row
5 Pull Ups

Competitor Extra

5 Rounds – For Completion
100′ Heavy Farmers Carry
12 Hip/Back Extensions

You don’t need to race through these reps, stay in control and focus on quality throughout. Take your time on transitions, this should be lower intensity.