Friday 04.07.23

Class Times:
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm


2 Rounds
20sec HS Hold
20 Empty Bar Strict Press
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Empty Bar Push Press

GET FIT (Min 24-52)

Every 3:00 for 30:00
14/12 Calories on Machine of choice
8 Handstand Push Ups
3 Power Snatch (Heavy)
*Start light and build weight across rounds

Scale the HSPU’s if necessary to give more time to focus on the barbell. That’s where today’s focus is.
On the Snatch, you can start out with either singles or some T&G reps to really warm the positions up. However, as you go you will get more and more fatigued. Keep that in mind, because set up and positions can start to fall apart as you get tired and the weight gets heavier. Be happy with some challenging yet consistent sets, don’t force the weight onto the bar to satisfy your ego.


Every 3:00 for 30:00
12/10 Calories on Machine of choice
12 Push Ups
12 DB Snatch 35/20


2014 CF Games Muscle Up Biathlon
400m Run
18 Ring Muscle Ups*
400m Run
15 Ring Muscle Ups*
400m Run
12 Ring Muscle Ups*
*Every break = 200m penalty run
18 Min Cap