Wednesday 09.01.21
Class Times:
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30pm
Partner WOD
0:00-11:59 AMRAP
3 snatches (135/95)
3 bar facing burpees
* you go, I go rounds
* Every 4 minutes starting at 0:00 complete 100m farmer carry
12:00-23:59 AMRAP
3 clean and jerks (135,95)
3 bar facing burpees
* you go, I go rounds
* Every 4 minutes starting at 12:00 complete 100m double KB front rack carry
24:00 till finish
75 D-balls over an object (40in)
* break up as needed
* Starting at 24:00 and again every 25 reps, 100m double overhead KB carry