WOD 10.17.19

Normal classes tomorrow evening. OPEN Watch party starts @ 6:30, but athletes can still do the WOD at 6:30. Come out and join us!

Active recovery/mobilization/prime for Friday!!

OPEN athletes(For Quality), non-OPEN(For Time):
100 Double Unders(DU’s)
30 back squats with empty bar 45/35#
80 DU’s
30 strict shoulder press 45/35#
60 DU’s
30 front squat 45/35#
40 DU’s
30 push press 45/35#
20 DU’s
30 thrusters 45/35#
*Non-OPEN athletes, add weight to movements if you so choose. 75/55#


Ride bike or Row for 10 minutes at light/medium pace