WOD 03.21.19

*** NO 3:30 class today. ***

19.5 Live annoucement @ 6:30PM. Food will be potluck style, I’m going to grab a couple sub platters and a meat tray. Feel free to bring your favorite dish.


6 min AMRAP:
5 KB Swings 53/35#
5 Goblet squats 53/35#
5 Burpees

– Rest 3 minutes –

5 min AMRAP:
25 ft KB single arm ‘bottoms up’ front rack carry 53/35#
5 Burpees
5 KB Swings 53/35#

– Rest 2 minutes –
4 min AMRAP:
5 single arm KB snatch right arm 53/35#
5 single arm KB snatch left arm 53/35#
5 burpees