The CrossFit Open is coming! We are getting ready for it by doing Open workouts on Fridays! Please remember there is no 630pm class on Fridays during the winter season! Catch an earlier class!
Open 15.2
From 0-3 minutes
2 Rounds
10 OHS 95/65
10 C2B Pullups
From 3-6 minutes
2 rounds
12 OHS
12 C2B PU’s
from 6-9 minutes
2 rounds
14 OHS
14 C2B PUs
etc. follow the pattern until you fail to complete both rounds within the allotted time!
Choose your core workout. 100 Abmat situps + 50 Hollow Rocks + 100 Dragon flags OR
100 Dragon Flags + 50 weighted abmat situps 70/50 + 50 explosive GHD situps