Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the box…

Announcements: We will have regular classes this weekend, 9:30 am on Saturday morning and 2 pm on Sunday. On Christmas Eve morning, we will have one group WOD at 10 am, the infamous 12 days of Christmas WOD! We will be closed on Christmas day. The rest of the week will be a modified schedule, for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we will have a morning class 5:30 am, and a 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 pm. That means no noon class and no 3:30 class those days! Our staff needs a little holiday once a year too, so plan to join forces with the other classes and get to know some other athletes!

For Time

100 Wallballs 20/14*

*EMOM 6 Toes to Bar starting at 0:00

Handstand Walk Course/Progressions


3x Max effort handstand hold (against wall or freestanding) rest as needed between sets

12 Minute AMRAP

10 V ups

12 shoulder touches

12 squat to 1/2 jump turn

12 inchworm with pushup